A unique cathedral, Michelangelo’s ‘David’ or Hannibal Lecter… Florence is a special city for people with all kinds of interests – architectural, artistic or cinematic.

But for classical fashion enthusiasts, it has another face. It is the Pitti Uomo trade fair, which takes place twice a year. This is the most important event of its kind in the entire world, which shapes trends and surprises with the creativity of the styles worn by the participants.

This year’s summer edition, which we attended, took place against the backdrop of an eye-catching installation. It was probably a deliberate suggestion on the part of the organisers that the 104th edition of Pitti should be held in an American atmosphere. It is worth mentioning that the second event of each year is dedicated to fashion designed for the colder months of the year.


The fair itself, as well as most of the accompanying events, took place on the grounds of the historic 16th-century Fortezza da Basso fortress. This is where the iconic locations for annual Pitti attendees are located. Against their background, photographers try to pick out those dressed with the greatest taste from the crowd of people in spectacular creations.

Although most of the photographs are taken outdoors, a few words should be devoted to what is happening under the roof. At the central point of the fair, we find a two-storey building. In addition to the food and beverage area, it houses a wide variety of brands, from shoe manufacturers to accessories and textile manufacturers.

Pitti is not only an opportunity for those who share a passion for clothes to indulge in their greatest passion. It is also a place where industry contacts are made and the details of the next collections of both well-known and boutique brands are finalised.

From the early morning hours, from the very gates of the fortress, to the distinctive ‘wall’ and staircase leading to the roof of the largest building in the inner square, one can observe breathtaking blazers, suits and other pieces of classic wardrobe. All made from the finest fabrics available and sprinkled with original touches in the form of ties, pocket squares or hats.

However, the fair, like men’s fashion itself, is evolving. Older regulars may complain about it, but it is more common to see a shirt with buttons undone at the neck than adorned with a tie or fly. Fabrics sometimes shock and stir controversy instead of merely delighting. “Classic” fashion itself still dominates, but sporty, military or cowboy elements can be found at every turn.


The Herse team on the first day of the fair presented styles in which suits played the main fiddle. All of them (as well as the clothes on the second day of the fair) were made with fabrics from the samplers of the world’s leading manufacturer, Loro Piana. Despite temperatures exceeding 30 degrees in the shade, the blends of wool, linen and silk, and sometimes cashmere, made it possible to stay comfortable all day long.


On the second day, we presented coordinated sets. This was a great opportunity to show how blazers, apparently similar, can differ from each other. These differences lie not only in the fabric, but also in the cut. Our ambassadors presented single and double-breasted models, with open lapels and pointed lapels, as well as many other sartorial flavours. On the middle day of the fair, the weather was marginally more forgiving, but even despite the heat, taking off your Herse jackets is by no means necessary.


This year’s Pitti was a unique experience for both us and our friends from many parts of the world whom we met at the accompanying events. The latter proved to be one of the best in the last decade. The lack of pandemic restrictions meant that, after a hiatus of several years, there was a large representation of visitors from Asian countries. Participating in the fair allowed us to make sure that the collections we are preparing for you will fit in perfectly with the upcoming trends.